
Company details & legal notice

Name and address: Herold Fahrzeugvermietung AG, Hertz International Franchisee, Flughofstrasse 37, 8152 Glattbrugg
Contact: 0041 44 732 11 11,
Legal form: Aktiengesellschaft (stock corporation)
Headquarters: Glattbrugg ZH
Registered office of the company: Zurich
Commercial register number: CH-020.3.911.482-7
VAT ID: CHE-105.837.098


Herold Fahrzeugvermietung AG, Hertz International Franchisee, Flughofstrasse 37, 8152 Glattbrugg/ZH (Herold) is the owner and also the operator of this website. According to Section 7 of the Telemedia Act (hereinafter referred to as: TMG) in the current version (current status: 31.05.2010), Herold is responsible as the service provider for its own information that is provided for use, according to the general laws.This own content is to be differentiated from cross-references ("links") to the content provided by other providers.The content of other providers transmitted or saved via links is third-party information and not own content of Herold. However, links are always "living" (dynamic) references. Although Herold Fahrzeugvermietung AG has checked the third-party content when setting the first link to check whether it triggers any possible responsibility under civil law or criminal law, according to the TMG, Herold as the service provider is not obligated to monitor the information communicated or saved by it or to research circumstances that indicate unlawful activity (Section 7 Par. 2 TMG). Only if it is established or it is pointed out that a specific offer for which a link has been provided can trigger a responsibility under civil law or criminal law will the reference to this offer be removed. Specifically, the TMG regulates the liability of the service provider as follows:

For third-party information that Herold transmits in a communication network or to which it transmits the access for usage, it is not responsible if it (a) has not caused the transmission (b) has not selected the addressee of the information transmitted and (c) has not selected or changed the information transmitted (Section 8 Par. 1 TMG).

Furthermore, Herold is not responsible for an automatic, temporary interim storage that serves solely the purpose of making the transmission of third-party information to other users more efficient at their request if it (a) has not changed the information, (b) has observed the operations for the access to the information, (c) has complied with the rules for updating the information that is defined in widely recognised industry standards used, (d) has not impaired the permitted application of technology for the collection of data regarding the usage of information that is defined in widely recognised and used industry standards and (e) acts immediately in order to remove information saved pursuant to Section 9 TMG and this regulation or to block the access to it as soon as it gains knowledge that the information has been removed from the network at the original starting place of the transmission or the access to it has been blocked or a court or an administrative authority has ordered the removal or blocking (Section 9 TMG).

Herold is not responsible for third-party information that it saves for a user if (a) it does not have any knowledge of the unlawful action or of the information and in the event of compensation claims no facts or circumstances are known to it either from which the unlawful action or the information becomes obvious, or (b) it has become immediately active in order to remove the information or to block the access to it as soon as it has gained this knowledge (Section 10 TMG).

Last update: September 2019